Paani is an upcoming 2014 Indian film directed by Shekhar Kapur. The film whose casting details are under wraps is based in a future world where wars over water have broken out and water being owned by international corporations who use thirst as a weapon of control. In one such future city, a young love story breaks all the rules and in the ensuing war, water flows back to its people.
Panni to start shooting by November
Paani the upcoming project to filmaker Shek har Kapur will start to roll the camera in November.Shekar said that the movie is all about water wars set in the world of the future. The shooting will be in India and in Singapore. The movie is going to be a big budget movie said Kapur.Casting isin the process which will be a crossover medley of Indian and Foreign Faces.
In 2003, Vivek Oberoi was rumored to play the male lead. In June 2011, reportedly, Kapur wanted to opt for a popular 18-year-old American actress, a Latin American pop star that is well known all over the world, and a European actor in his mid-40s.Hrithik Roshan was strongly considered to play the male lead. Perhaps, he even expressed to work with Kapur that made earlier pieces of speculations to near confirmations. However, the director stated that casting was being finalised and the names were kept under wraps. Since 2010 Hollywood actress Kristen Stewart was considered to play the female lead. In 2011, she denied even being approached for the project, however in November 2012, she expressed her view to collaborate with Hrithik Roshan. Later, it was known the official casting details were still under wraps.
Directed by Shekhar Kapur
Produced by Aditya Chopra
Screenplay by Shekhar Kapur
Rensil D'Silva 1
Andrew Niccol
David Farr 2
Starring Hrithik Roshan,
Kristen Stewart
Music by A. R. Rahman
Editing by Jill Bilcock
Studio(s) Yash Raj Studios
Distributed by Yash Raj Films
Country India
Language English
Budget $35 million
About Paani
Many years into the future, the earth’s water supply has run-out. The events and wars that follow as a result.
Paani Release Date 2014